These lots are being offered for sale with financing. Simply make the small down payment, and the land contracts will be emailed and hard copy mailed to you if you find the lot you like, otherwise, your down payment will be refunded immediately. You can start using or building your land while you are making payments.
Down Payment: $50
Interest Rate: 9%
Save Now - No Risk
This subdivision will be available shortly.
If it sounds about right, you can make a (fully refundable) down payment now, and get the Deal of the Day price and a lower down payment. This means 5% off sales price (in addition to any other discounts on the lot) and a down payment as low as $50.
If you do not end up finding a lot you like, we instantly refund your advanced down payment. Fair? We thought you would think so.
And just to make it even better, if you do find a lot you like, we will pay half of your first monthly payment to make it even easier to own. Thanks for your business!