30 acres Manassa
Highway 142, Manassa, Conejos County, CO
This lot is being offered for sale with financing. Simply make the small down payment, and the land contracts will be emailed and hard copy mailed to you immediately. You can start using or building your land while you are making payments.
Down Payment: $121
Monthly Payments: $547
Sales Price: $54,782
Interest Rate: 9%
Checkout bills down payment only.
10 Reasons To Buy From Us
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What might a cabin look like on this lot?
Location and Legal Description
30 acres East of Manassa Colorado
Highway 142, Manassa, CO
View From
Sanford, Colorado

Conejos County is located at the southern end of Colorado's beautiful San Luis Valley, the world's largest alpine valley. The county has an area of approximately 825,741 acres or 1,290 square miles (slightly larger than the state of Rhode Island). The eastern portion of the county is characterized by the nearly level valley floor which lies at an average elevation of about 7,700 feet. The stunning San Juan Mountains rise from the western portion of the county to a height of about 13,000 feet. Conejos County is bounded by the Rio Grande (River) to the east and the State of New Mexico to the south. Sixty-six percent of the county is owned by state or federal entities, including the mountainous areas that are part of the Rio Grande National Forest. Small towns and wide open farms and pasturelands characterize the remaining thirty four percent of the land that is privately owned.