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Near Battle Mountain Paradise Valley Ranches Near Winnemucca

Humboldt County, Nevada

is located in the rugged high desert region of north-central Nevada, bordered on the north by Oregon and by neighboring Nevada counties to the west, south and east. The County's 9,626 square miles offer some of the most varied, spectacular scenery in the State and a wide array of recreational opportunities.

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Nevada, Humboldt County, 39.29 Acres Near Winnemucca, T38N, R43E, Section 31 NW4. TERMS $367/Month Nevada, Humboldt County, 39.29 Acres Near Winnemucca, T38N, R43E, Section 31 NW4. TERMS $367/Month

39.29 Acres   Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada
Our Price: $36,765. No Qualifying financing. Instant Online Purchase Available.

Down Payment $121.00
Nevada, Humboldt County, 10 Acres Paradise Valley Ranches, SE4NW4NW4od Section 11, T39N, R38E,. TERMS $331/Month Nevada, Humboldt County, 10 Acres Paradise Valley Ranches, SE4NW4NW4od Section 11, T39N, R38E,. TERMS $331/Month

10 Acres   Winnemucca, Humboldt County, Nevada
Our Price: $33,115. No Qualifying financing. Instant Online Purchase Available.

Down Payment $121.00