Estancia Ranchettes
Estancia Ranchettes, Torrance County, New Mexico
Lot 22, Unit 6, Block 7
0.83 Acres
This lot is being offered for sale with financing. Simply make the small down payment, and the land contracts will be emailed and hard copy mailed to you immediately. You can start using or building your land while you are making payments.
Down Payment: $121
Monthly Payments: $55
Sales Price: $5,245
Interest Rate: 9%
The checkout above bills the down payment only.
Water: By Well, Holding Tank or Catchment System
TAXES: Less than $25 per year
Power: Solar or Alternative
Phone: Mobile or Satellite; Cell Reception Reliable
1 / 6
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4 / 6
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Location and Legal Description
Estancia Ranchettes, Torrance County, New Mexico
0.83 Acre
View From I-40 Moriarty, New Mexico

Torrance County is one of the most productive agricultural counties in the United States. Pinto beans, corn, alfalfa and pumpkins are just a small portion of the crops that are harvested here each year. With the presence of the beautiful Manzano Mountains, Salinas National Monument and vast open, undisturbed rangeland it's easy to see why so many farmers, ranchers, and wildlife call Torrance County home.