Home > Reviews > Testimonials > Testimonial: Lewis - Cedar Ridge Ranch
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Rachel Lewis

Thank you so much for this blessing for my kids and I. So far we have seen several wild turkeys but have not gotten any (it's spring turkey season here). We have found many more, pheasant back and amber jelly roll mushrooms as well as an abundance of wild onions, edible nettle, and plantain! The pond seems to only have frogs and turtles but we've been enjoying standing around fishing in it nonetheless. Aside from the supposed thieves/vicious dogs on lot 9, this truly is paradise! I am really hoping my unemployment claim comes through soon and I can make some extra payments before too long. Please let me know if any other parcels become available in the near future. I probably can't afford a second parcel until I get back to work because I also have to pay for my apartment and bills, but I am hoping to get another lot in the subdivision at some point! Thank you again for everything

Missouri, Phelps County, 6.32 Acre Cedar Ridge Ranch