Decatur County, Tennessee

Tennessee, Decatur County, Hickory Hill Ranch, Lot 10
Our river area boasts 50 miles of undeveloped beauty, a tourism drawing card that brings many visitors to our community for untold hours of fishing, swimming and river recreation, camping, family oriented fun and peaceful enjoyment of nature in its natural state.
Our county is resplendent with opportunities for sports and hunting, it is truly the Outdoor Capital of Tennessee, a three star community, and a wonderful place to visit or come home to at the end of the day.
Located on the banks of the Tennessee River, Decatur County and its cities and communities have a proud heritage and a bright future, with an active and progressive Chamber of Commerce, fine medical facilities, one of the best paramedic and emergency response teams in the State of Tennessee, a host of volunteer fire departments, an all volunteer, highly professional rescue squad, an excellent education system, and individuals and organizations that give of themselves each day to make our community a strong and vibrant one.